Competency No. 5

"I'm Puerto Rican. I celebrate everything." Anita Rodriguez Cordero on celebrating as we coach

Anita Rodriguez Cordero and Debbi Gardiner McCullough (D G McCullough) Season 2 Episode 14

With so much mayhem, worry, and turmoil, more clients struggle to find much to celebrate or to declare a true win. But coaches like my show guest this week, Coach Anita Rodriguez Cordero, set that intention each session to ask her coachees what they want to celebrate.

Coach Anita takes this intention far beyond the International Coaching Federation's want for facilitating client growth (competency number eight) and evoking awareness (competency number seven).   For her, it ties as much to being Puerto Rican (she tells us) a culture celebrating everything, even the dead. It's also a delightful way (one of many, we both decided) to cue the mind to pause, reflect, and feel gratitude for what's right.

You can find Coach Anita Rodriguez Cordero via her website, Knowing deeper Coaching and Consulting or via LinkedIn. Reach out to me, D G McCullough, for insights on my group coaching and training packages on everything from active listening, public speaking fear, to personal branding. You can find my LinkedIn profile here and my website here

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