Competency No. 5
Around 4% of the 55,000 + coaches certified with the International Coaching Federation hold the revered status of Master Certified Coach. Why so few? I'm about to find out. Competency No. 5, the podcast, explores how we maintain presence when we coach, lead, and live our lives. We interview coaches and others whose very livelihood depends upon staying calm and present with those they serve. We also chronicle my attempts (as a self-retired professor and global business reporter from New Zealand) to become an MCC coach. This effort requires beaucoup coaching hours, mentoring, and adhering strictly to the ICF's seven core competencies, especially the deceptively tricky Competency No. 5, maintaining presence.
Competency No. 5
Why I’ve returned to journaling (and hope to never let it go again)
I’m recently back to journaling most days after a good nine-month hiatus. I’ve missed it so much. For me, journaling feels like emptying my bucket of all that’s within. As I get older, I’ve noticed its importance for my mental and physical health. My journal’s a forum for not explaining things, unless I want to and a place to unlock enormous ideas within.
And I’m not the only one. The data tells us 74% of Americans find “emotional venting” via journaling improves their mental health. 65% found journaling reduces their anxiety. I agree with both data points and find other additional benefits to my creativity, clarity, even my sleep. In this week’s musings, all inspired by a journal entry by the way, I’m sharing the hidden power and comfort I find through journaling and the surprising boost it brings my coaching, my entrepreneurship, and creativity, too. You can read my essay on journaling from which I read this week’s episode here. And join the conversation on LinkedIn here.
Reach out to me, D G McCullough, for insights on my group coaching and training packages on everything from active listening, public speaking fear, to storytelling. You can find my LinkedIn profile here and my website here.