Competency No. 5

“I’m loving this new creative space.” Coach Malvika Joshi on the joy of entrepreneurship.

Malvika Joshi and Debbi Gardiner McCullough (D G McCullough) Season 2 Episode 5

Building your own venture can bring a whirlwind of creativity, problem solving, and joy from building something you love. Partner it with coaching and certifying as a coach and you’ve endless surges of energy and happiness. This becomes the life and outlook of Coach Malvika Joshi, a London-based coach who’s just launched her own coaching practice with a co-partner while thriving still as a marketing leader.

In our interview, you’ll hear Malvika’s learnings and hopes as a coach, and her intention for the Coven, a group coaching supper club bringing together community, self awareness, and self growth, over food. You’ll also hear the vital role that solidarity and sisterhood can play, and that everything we’ve ever done prior to coaching brings perspective.

If you’d like to find Coach Malvika, reach her on LInkedIn or via Instagram. If you’d like to know more about your show host and my coaching and training services, find me on LinkedIn or visit my website here.

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