Competency No. 5

How Feeling Thanks Boosts My Presence and Business

November 23, 2023 Debbi Gardiner McCullough (D G McCullough) Season 1 Episode 11

This week is Thanksgiving in America. I love that this country I’ve made home stays one of a few nations around the world devoting an entire holiday to giving thanks. (How lovely. And perhaps more countries can follow suit?)

As a mental fitness practitioner and coach, I find that feeling thankful daily helps me feel more confident, calm, and centered, especially with high-stakes situations and presentations and especially when I coach. In this week’s podcast, I share three ways that gratitude focuses my mind while building more focused, potent, and effective strategy, which helps me also in business.

You can read my musings on feeling thanks and how that helps me as a coach and entreprenuer on Medium, by clicking here. 

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